Art-therapy Phronetik activities help people to reach a better understanding of themselves, to detention of the anxieties and the accumulated tensions, to develop communication abilities, to practice and optimise their own capacities of relational with others, reaching, in the end to elaborate a strategy to solve conflicts.
In the NGO we have therapist that are educated in Phronetik technique, that are able to work with the kids in foster houses in order for the kids to improve their behaviour. Art-therapy techniques offers the kids the opportunity to explore and express, throughout special art materials, the difficulties regarding different feelings and personal relations, difficulties that might be hard for them to express into words.
We presented this idea to those from OMV Petrom Marketing, that were pleased to support, with a donation, the work-shops that are going to take place in five foster-houses: one from Brașov and four from Bucharest.
The project will last six months, with the possibility to go on for more months.
We already started the project and the results are amazing. The kids are happy and they are, by day passing, more and more communicative and pleased of their work with our therapists.
We give special thanks to all the people that help us and are involved in this project, especially our main sponsor! Art-therapy is so important for a beautiful and harmoniously growth of the kids.