March is the first month of spring. We are happy to get rid of winter and we are able to see trees turning green and birds singing. We all have much more creativity and inspiration. We took advantage of this kick of energy and we started a new project, together with the ones in HP Bucharest. 

We dedicated a whole weekend in order to make traditional Romanian spring sings, called “mărțișoare”. We made together with the kids from “Life&Light” (sector 1) and “Day&Night shelter” (sector 5) 140 chalk powder figurines, that we put in different mould. We waited for them to dry and than we started to paint them. Together with a part of our volunteers and the kids we could make really funny “mărțișoare”.

In order to reward the work of kids and give them the opportunity to be happy and proud of what they created, the people on HP Bucharest did something beautiful: they organised an intern fair in which the spring signs were held and anyone could donate as much as they wanted. After this intern fair they were able to raise 1240 lei, the sum that was equally split between the two centres. 

From this money the centres bought necessary stuff as some shoes, food, cleaning products and even some furniture.

We thank HP Bucharest for their support and loyalty.